Registration Fees

All the participants must pay the conference registration fee. The fees are given including VAT.

Registration ISGT EU 2024 Before 14th September After 14th September
IEEE Member (*) (1) 800 € 950 €
IEEE PES Society Member 690 € 825 €
IEEE Life(*)/Student Member (**) (1)(2) 440 € 560 €
Non IEEE members (*) 1030 € 1240 €
Students NON members of IEEE (**) (2) 560 € 690 €
Accompanying person (***) 250 € 250 €
Additional paper fee (****) 190 € 190 €
Tutorial fee – Regular 75 € 75 €
Tutorial fee – Students 50 € 50 €

(*) Full conference fees include: badge, admission to all conference sessions, conference package, lunches during the conference days, morning and afternoon coffee breaks, admission to Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner and social activity.

(**) Student registration fees include: badge, admission to all conference sessions, conference package, lunches during the conference days, morning and afternoon coffee breaks, admission to Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner and social activity

(***) Lunches during the conference days, admission to Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner and a social activity.

(****) Additional paper fee is applicable only in case of the paper from the same author. In that regard, the paper will be presented at the conference by the same author. Additional paper fee does not include any additional conference pass. The paper accepted for the conference must be presented by the author/co-author or a knowledgeable person on the subject matter. The authors/co-authors registered for the conference, irrespective of the level/class of the registration, are entitled to present one paper at the conference and have them included in the IEEE Xplore. For any further paper, i.e., second paper, presented at the conference by the registered author/co-author a mandatory fee of 190€ per additional paper must be paid.

(*****) CANCELATIONS are possible and refunds can be made. The processing fee is 50€.

(1) IEEE Members must provide proof of their status with a copy of their IEEE card sent with the registration form. The document has to be presented when collecting the documentation.
(2) Students must provide proof of their status with a copy of their student card sent with the registration form. The document has to be presented when collecting the documentation.