Sponsorship Opportunities
The IEEE PES ISGT (Innovative Smart Grid Technologies) Europe 2025 conference is organized by IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) and The Foundation for Innovation and Research – Malta (FiR.mt) together with the IEEE Section Malta, on October 20th-23rd, 2025. The organization is also supported by the The University of Malta, The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), The Government of Malta and Visit Malta.
The conference will be held in The Grand Hotel Excelsior, Valletta, Malta
This year’s conference theme is “Harnessing Innovation: Powering a Sustainable and Resilient Future”
The IEEE PES ISGT Europe conference is a leading event focused on power grid modernization and the application of ICT to enhance energy systems, with an emphasis on integrating renewable and distributed energy resources.
The 2025 conference will feature keynotes, plenary session, super and special panel sessions, influential industry representatives, industry exhibits and presentations, technical sessions and a job fair on smart grid innovations. Researchers, professionals, and students worldwide are invited to submit papers and discuss the latest advancements in grid modernization.
The conference aims to attract more than 600 participants from all over the world and give them the opportunity to present and publish their work, discuss, exchange ideas and knowledge as well as network for future collaborations.
The conference will be a great opportunity to network with international delegates. By being a sponsor to the conference, you will not only get recognition and visibility, but you will also be able to network with many influential industry representatives, professionals and scientists in the field.
Sponsorship Packages
Interested parties may also opt for specific sponsorship opportunities such as sponsoring the Welcome Reception (€3,000), Gala Dinner (€5,000), lunch / coffee breaks (€2,000), have a service arranged such as banner display and others.
Please contact us for more information at IEEE-ISGT-Europe@FiR.mt.
For interested parties that would like to have a specially designed construction or non-standard equipment, we would be happy to be of service at an additional cost. Furthermore, you may also order additional standard equipment (table, stands, chairs, additional space, etc.) Please contact us with your requirements in advance of the event.
Exhibition Space
An individual exhibit space may be purchased for €2500 for the duration of the conference. Companies and organizations are also allowed to purchase up to two exhibit spaces for the conference (platinum and gold sponsors will receive more complimentary, adjacent spaces).
Each exhibit space is limited to a 2 sq-m space with electricity (if requested), one table (no linens), and two chairs. Staff with exhibit spaces are required to register for the conference and pay appropriate registration fees or part of the sponsorships passes. Upon registering for an exhibit space, exhibitors will receive further information.