Joseph MutaleThe University of ManchesterUnited Kingdom
Ralph GottschalgFraunhofer CSPGermany
Mengxuan WangThe University of ManchesterUnited Kingdom
Dzenana TomasevicUniversity of ZenicaBosnia and Herzegovina
Ali EhsanThe University of ManchesterUnited Kingdom
Yousra SidqiHSLU Hochschule Luzern Switzerland
Panos KotsampopoulosNational Technical University of AthensGreece
Selma AwadallahHamad Bin Kalifa UniversityQatar
Lale Erdem AtilganIstanbul Technical UniversityTurkey
Charalambos (Harrys) KonstantinouKing Abdullah University of Science and TechnologySaudi Arabia
Aleksandra LekicTechnical University DelftThe Netherlands
Angeliki LoukatouNational Energy System OperatorUnited Kingdom
Vedran PericBayreuth UniversityGermany 
Petar KrstevskiSaints Cyril and Methodius UniversityNorth Macedonia
Tabia Ahmed The University of ManchesterUnited Kingdom
Mirna GrzanicUniversity of ZagrebCroatia
Janja DolencUniversity of LjubljanaSlovenia
Elvisa Becirovic Electric Power Industry of Bosnia and HerzegovinaBosnia and Herzegovina